University Project: Brand X 2020
Brief: In groups of three imagine, design and launch a new brand . Set ten years in the future, located in a specific room in the home and in response to emerging and predicted social technological, economic, environmental and political trends. Propose an opportunity for a new brand. Memories are at risk. The rise of Dementia, mass use of social media and the imminent attack from hackers on your personal memories puts all your precious moments in unsafe hands. In an instant an incurable diagnosis or a hack on your accounts could destroy a lifetime of memories, lost forever. Orphic allows you to capture, preserve and relive your memories safeguarding them for the future.

Our branding name and logo is shown above. Representing the memories was the blended three colours of the pink blue and purple. The Brand name grew from being faint to bold and strong suggesting memories returning. We went for white as it was cleaner and less intimidating and changed to capitals so we stood out looking more official. ORPHIC: Mysterious and entrancing beyond ordinary understanding.

For this project we created a brand feeling mood board. This consisted of everything we wanted our brand to represent: Family, knowledge, memories, aging etc. It was a great technique to spark creativity and keep focus on brand values throughout the design process.

We also created research cards for this project called STEEP cards. Each card was an exploration into a theme that fit under one of the following categories Social, Technological, Environmental, Ecological and Political. We made many of these all with a variety of issues stretching worldwide, these were used to spark ideas for the project and even became useful on projects to follow.

Our Team created an ecosystem of products for ORPHIC our products thrive from a symbiotic relationship, each depending on one another to function. The ecosystem consists of a family of three products, each having an independant purpose.
Zevo- Capture
Sula- Preserve
Thea- Relive
Zevo is used to capture memories, based on the bodies vitals, once recorded, these memories are stored securely via Sula. Once these memories are preserved, they can be viewed through Thea’s immersive display, reliving your memories.

Thea is a book made from digital glass that allows you to view your memories that you have captured and stored in your life. This book of life gives you access to all those precious times you've had in your life so you can view them time and time again.

For the Brand Exhibition we created a brand manual and business cards as handouts