Zombie Apocalypse
Ice Breaker Challenge
Meeting new people can sometimes be hard, awkward silences to be filled with basic conversation such as "Whats your favourite animal?" or "What's do you like to do in your free time?". The answers to these basic questions can be answered within this new icebreaker exercise but in a fun and exciting activity.
You and your group are faced with a Zombie Apocalypse situation. For your best chance of survival you must get to know each of your skills, interests, passions and abilities in order to produce a survival kit best tailored to you
You must decide on a team weapon that best suits your skill set... recommended questions include "Do you enjoy dancing?" "Have you ever done archery?"
Then choose the teams sidekick, this could be about what individuals favourite animals are or perhaps if they own a pet?
Decide on an item, this helps to understand the various mindsets and personality traits within the group, practical, problem solver, hopeful, adventurer etc.
Deciding on an area to set up camp can also be a chance to discuss favourite holiday locations, places where the team members have grown up, fantasy places from movies and books they aspire to be in etc.
This activity can be continued expanding to many other categories, perhaps what characters might wear, what could be the team name or what caused the apocalypse in the first place. The ending can also be changed but for a short exercise this rather grim but humorous ending will complete the activity.